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Distinctive Unit Insignia

A silver color metal and enamel device 1 3/16 inches (3.02 cm) in height consisting of a cross divided diagonally from upper right to lower left with red above silver, centered upon a field also diagonally divided with silver rays above and maroon below, all above a base of seven silver and blue wavy bars counterchanged on the vertical centerline; around top and sides a threefold maroon scroll inscribed "EX TENEBRIS LUX" in silver.

Maroon and white (silver) are the colors traditionally associated with Army medical units.  The red cross is a symbol indicative of organizations associated with medical care.  The rays in the upper section represent the sun and refer to the unit's location in Florida, the Sunshine State; over the maroon section, they also reflect the unit's motto translated to read "Out of Darkness Light."  The wavy base suggests Tampa Bay, the unit's location and is divided into three blue, three white, four white, and four blue sections alluding to the unit's numerical designation.

The distinctive unit insignia was approved on 27 May 1986.

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